To do good, we need to feel good. Slow and steady wins the race, even if the world sometimes feels like the opposite. Let's explore how we can shift gears, re-draw the map and find adventures along the road that we might miss if we just play catch-up.
Hi, I'm Jonas
I help people find their human potential in a world driven by AI

Time to feel the shift
When we slow down just enough, we can see what's coming at us, feel into what we need and choose how to go forward.
It's hard to create sustainable change when you're burned out and overstimulated. Together we can explore how to ease into change.
Everything is toxic, it just depends on the dose. And there are a few things we've had a lot of recently. I'm looking at you, social media, fake news, irresponsible politicians, biased AI, CO₂, useless meetings, inequality... you name it.
When things get overwhelming we can't process and respond to situations anymore. We react instinctively from a constant state of fight-or-flight. Turning down the volume on distractions helps us find that reflective pause before we respond.
The longer that pause gets, the more of our creativity and empathy we can access, and the bigger the shift can become. In our mutual well-being, the impact we have on our planet, and our communities, too.
Jonas Haefele
Jonas is a Somatic Coach with a broad background in facilitation and mindfulness. Whether in 1:1 coaching sessions or in group experiences, Jonas is passionate about creating a space where radical change can emerge - change that starts at the root of things; your stories, beliefs, feelings, and sensations. He has years of experience in corporate training, teaching Fortune 500 companies about technology and innovation, to up-level their workforce and accelerate transformation. 2019, Jonas Haefele founded Slow Works to facilitate sustainable change, combining his experiences from teaching yoga and mindfulness with the lessons learned in the fast-moving tech world.
Jonas is co-founder of LGBTQ+ entrepreneur network Series Q, a yoga and mindfulness teacher, and a founding member of the Billion Seconds Institute.
Before venturing into tech and facilitating culture change, Jonas studied future sciences and human-centered design at Zurich University of the Arts, learning to identify cultural macro and micro trends and how to build products that respond to societal needs. Jonas has a background in classic Swiss print design and typography and has been fascinated by the internet and its potential since the late 1990s. After receiving his BA as best in class, Jonas spent two years in a digital advertising agency, where he led the development of ground-breaking and award-winning campaigns. However, he became disillusioned by the simplistic message to "buy more stuff", pushing him to move to London and seek new opportunities that aligned more with his values.
Throughout his career, Jonas has collected a wide range of tools that center around the craft of storytelling, facilitation, and bridging gaps, translating - sometimes literally, often figuratively - between different parties to foster consensus and understanding.
Jonas is excited to use his skills and experience to bring people together and help them facilitate change in their relationships and organizations. If that sounds like you, leave us a message.
Let's ease into change.